A Series Of Papers Relating To The Anglo-Dutch Fleet Under Lord Exmouth. "…A record of the glorious result of our success at Algiers, in the solemn declaration of the Dey Of Algiers, by which the practice of condemning Christian prisoners of war to slavery is formally and for ever renounced….". Several papers all related to the events surrounding the famous bombardment of Algiers, in 1816, in which Lord Exmouth ended the practice of white slavery in the Mediterranean, freeing some 3000 slaves, and put an end to the activities of the Barbary Pirates. The papers cover some of the acts of hostility that led to the punitive expedition, with reports of the bloody engagement itself, as well as referencing the results of the action. In all, 45" of Column Space, in 9 complete and genuine issues of THE TIMES, dated August 28th, September 3rd, 6th, 10th, 14th, 18th, 19th, 26th, and 30th, 1816.
A Series Of Papers Relating To The Anglo-Dutch Fleet Under Lord Exmouth. "…A record of the glorious result of our success at Algiers, in the solemn declaration of the Dey Of Algiers, by which the practice of condemning Christian prisoners of war to slavery is formally and for ever renounced….". Several papers all related to the events surrounding the famous bombardment of Algiers, in 1816, in which Lord Exmouth ended the practice of white slavery in the Mediterranean, freeing some 3000 slaves, and put an end to the activities of the Barbary Pirates. The papers cover some of the acts of hostility that led to the punitive expedition, with reports of the bloody engagement itself, as well as referencing the results of the action. In all, 45" of Column Space, in 9 complete and genuine issues of THE TIMES, dated August 28th, September 3rd, 6th, 10th, 14th, 18th, 19th, 26th, and 30th, 1816.
Auction: Maritime and Scientific Models, Instruments & Art (Seraph), 30th Apr, 2014